Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Batu Puteh - Cultural day and home stay

I arrived in the village of Batu Puteh for a day of culture and to spend the night with one of the villagers and their family. I didn't take a picture of the home where I stayed, but it looked quite similar to these.

While in the village, I played with a bunch of kids, plus played volleyball with older kids and some younger adults. It was quite fun.
I also got a cooking lesson on how to make my favorite dessert - Puteri Mandi cakes (they were out of the usual green food coloring, so we made them pink instead).

I'm glad I made a bunch of them - because then I could eat a bunch of them!

After the cooking lesson, local residents put on a cultural show and introduced me to various songs and traditional dances.

They even let me play the gongs! Bang that gong! :-)
I also got to visit caves that contain coffins - both the middle cave and the high cave, Agop Sawat.

Naturally, getting there meant climbing more stairs - just when my legs had finally recovered from Mt. Kinabalu!
Spider on coffin
There were lots of bats in the cave.
Coffins were decorated with the heads of different animals.

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